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Radio "Sidney Bechet and similar artists"

Jelly Roll Morton
King Porter 1923 1923-24
Louis Armstrong
Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me? 1924 The Complete Louis Armstrong With Fletcher Henderson, Vol.1
Louis Armstrong
12th Street Blues 1925 With Fletcher Henderson Vol 2
Jelly Roll Morton
Big Foot Ham 1923 1923-24
Jelly Roll Morton
Wolverine Blues 1923 1923-24
Jelly Roll Morton
Don't Tell Me Nothin' 'Bout My Man 1924 Volume 1 1923-1924 Complete Edition (8CD)
Louis Armstrong
Memphis Bound 1925 With Fletcher Henderson Vol 2
Jelly Roll Morton
Jelly-Roll Morton - Mr. Jelly Lord 1924 1924-1926
Louis Armstrong
Steak Face 1925 High Society (2CD)
Louis Armstrong
Armstrong Louis - Keyhole Blues 1925 High Society (2CD)
Louis Armstrong
Armstrong Louis - Struttinґ With Some Barbecue 1925 High Society (2CD)