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Arthur Lyman - Yellow Bird '1961; 2019

Yellow Bird
ArtistArthur Lyman Related artists
Album name Yellow Bird
Date 1961; 2019
Play time 36:51
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 202; 675 MB
PriceDownload $5.95
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Long before the term World Music was coined, before the Buddha Bar series mixed
cool down tempo lounge music with an exotic world vibe, long before space age
bachelor pad helped to define lounge musics reemergence in the nineties, before
funky drum-kit break-beats, before nature sounds started creeping into New Age
music, long before Mobile Fidelity Labs made state of the art, audiophile stereo
recordings, there was the Hawaiian lounge instrumentalist and vibe player Arthur
Lyman. In 1961, Lymans interpretation of the Haitian folk song Yellow Bird
stayed in the Billboard Top Ten for 10 weeks, reached number 4 in the USA and
the album of the same name reached number 10. Presented here is the original
1961 single along with Lymans treatment of the classic Never on Sunday. Newly

01. Arthur Lyman - Havah Nagilah (Remastered) (2:34)
02. Arthur Lyman - Yellow Bird (Remastered) (2:44)
03. Arthur Lyman - Ravels Bolero (Remastered) (4:05)
04. Arthur Lyman - Autumn Leaves (Remastered) (3:52)
05. Arthur Lyman - Arrivederci Roma (Remastered) (3:10)
06. Arthur Lyman - Sweet And Lovely (Remastered) (2:58)
07. Arthur Lyman - Bamboo Tamboo (Remastered) (1:57)
08. Arthur Lyman - Andalusia (Remastered) (2:34)
09. Arthur Lyman - Adventures In Paradise (Remastered) (2:49)
10. Arthur Lyman - Granada (Remastered) (2:35)
11. Arthur Lyman - September Song (Remastered) (5:02)
12. Arthur Lyman - John Henry (Remastered) (2:31)