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Piero Piccioni - Senilità (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) '1962/1991

Senilità (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
ArtistPiero Piccioni Related artists
Album name Senilità (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Date 1962/1991
Play time 30:42
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1720 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 209; 386 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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       Senilità (released in North America as Careless) is a 1962 Italian
film. It stars Claudia Cardinale and Anthony Franciosa, and is based on the
novel Senilità by Italo Svevo.

There are few Italian film composers who can boast the prolificacy of Peiro
Piccioni. Since the early '50s Piccioni has been a truly innovative composer of
music for film and has been justly compared to the likes of Ennio Morricone and
Bruno Nicola. In the 1950s he composed under the Americanized last name of Piero
Morgan, and with his dramatic score to La Tempesta in 1958, he started to work
regularly in Hollywood. With great versatility, Piccioni incorporates jazz,
lounge, easy listening, and post-romantic period orchestral elements into his
wide variety of work which has been the sonic backdrop for everything from B
horror films to lush, romantic epics.

1.01 - Piero Piccioni - Musica della notte (Main Theme) (3:04)
1.02 - Piero Piccioni - Tango senilità (1:42)
1.03 - Piero Piccioni - Ricerca e scoperta (1:16)
1.04 - Piero Piccioni - Parlare nel sonno (0:56)
1.05 - Piero Piccioni - Tema de Amalia (2:08)
1.06 - Piero Piccioni - Amore vano (2:08)
1.07 - Piero Piccioni - Pianto di Amalia (1:06)
1.08 - Piero Piccioni - Vento follia (0:59)
1.09 - Piero Piccioni - Musica del mare (2:36)
1.10 - Piero Piccioni - Tango per Flicorno (2:26)
1.11 - Piero Piccioni - Chimera (2:37)
1.12 - Piero Piccioni - Fine di un sogno (1:22)
1.13 - Piero Piccioni - Quasi amore (1:16)
1.14 - Piero Piccioni - Scale (1:13)
1.15 - Piero Piccioni - Incontro (1:36)
1.16 - Piero Piccioni - Reincontro (1:48)
1.17 - Piero Piccioni - Tango del mare (2:28) 

Piero Piccioni

