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Soccer Mommy - For Young Hearts '2016/2019

For Young Hearts
ArtistSoccer Mommy Related artists
Album name For Young Hearts
Date 2016/2019
Play time 35:01
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 199; 374 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

The project of songwriter Sophie Allison, Soccer Mommys hooky, angular, indie
rock is tied to vulnerable, conversational vocals that have covered such
personal subject matter as depression, isolation, and self-harm. Her early
self-recorded songs drew the interest of coveted indie labels, leading to her
critical break-through, Clean, in 2018.
As a high school student at the Nashville School of the Arts, Allison started
uploading her introspective guitar songs under EP headings like songs for the
recently sad and songs from my bedroom in 2015. After enrolling at New York
University, Soccer Mommys eight-song for young hearts was released by Orchard
Tapes in 2016.

1.1/8 - Soccer Mommy - Henry (3:48) 
1.2/8 - Soccer Mommy - Inside Out (5:06) 
1.3/8 - Soccer Mommy - 3am at a Party [Explicit] (2:27) 
1.4/8 - Soccer Mommy - Skinned Knees [Explicit] (4:56) 
1.5/8 - Soccer Mommy - Crystal Eyes (4:49) 
1.6/8 - Soccer Mommy - Blood Honey (4:27) 
1.7/8 - Soccer Mommy - Grown (5:06) 
1.8/8 - Soccer Mommy - Switzerland (4:22)

Soccer Mommy
