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Cyrille Aimee - Its A Good Day '2014

Its A Good Day
ArtistCyrille Aimee Related artists
Album name Its A Good Day
Date 2014
GenreVocal Jazz
Play time 00:43:03
Format / Bitrate Stereo 11290 Kbps / 5644.8 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media DSD
Size 2,2 GB (+3\%rec.)
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list

Cyrille Aimée grew up in the French town of Samois-sur-Seine. She won the
Montreux Jazz Festival Competition in 2007, was a finalist in the Thelonious
Monk International Jazz Competition in 2010, and won the Sarah Vaughan
International Jazz Competition in 2012. Steven Holden, of the New York Times,
describes her music as a cross between Michael Jackson and Sarah Vaughn. Both
fans and reviewers describe her sound as instantly recognizable soft, sweet
girlish tone with a touch of Edith Piaf-like quaver.


01. Where Or When
02. Its A Good Day
03. Bamboo Shoots
04. Twenty-Eight
05. Caravan
06. Nuit Blanche
07. Young At Heart
08. Off The Wall
09. Love Me Or Leave Me
10. One Way Ticket
11. Pourtant
12. All Love
13. Tricotism

Cyrille Aimée (vocals)
Michael Valeanu, Adrien Moignard, Guilherme Monteiro (guitar)
Sam Anning (bass)
Rajiv Jayaweera (drums)

Cyrille Aimee


Live album