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Susana Baca - Palabras Urgentes '2021

Palabras Urgentes
ArtistSusana Baca Related artists
Album name Palabras Urgentes
Date 2021
Play time 00:34:10
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2820 Kbps / 82.2 kHz
Media WEB
Size 80; 186; 359; 585 MB
PriceDownload $4.95
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Tracks list

Palabras Urgentes, marks the 50th year of Susana Bacas extraordinary musical
career. With an illustrious life spanning music, teaching and politics from
multiple Grammy Awards to becoming Perus first black cabinet minister and
holding the post of Minister of Culture, Palabras Urgentes is the nexus of all
Susanas experiences and, at the age of 76, is the album she always wanted to

Translated as Urgent Truths, the album was recorded as a form of protest, to
spark debate and intended to take on todays difficult times. It is the
combination of the musics beauty and the urgency of the lyrics that makes
Palabras Urgentes so compelling.

Recorded in Canete, a small town located 150 kilometres from Perus Capital,
Lima, Palabras Urgentes is a collection of 10 songs, each song its own
individual chapter of an all-encompassing narrative, taking the listener on a
journey through a unique musical reflection on the traditions of Peru. Susana
touches on subjects surrounding feminism, liberty and education, and reflects on
personal stories taking the listener on a journey that invokes romance, sorrow,
strength and hope.

The album is given added life by the presence and support of Grammy award
winning multi-instrumentalist and bandleader of the emblematic New York band
Snarky Puppy, Michael League, the producer has challenged Susana and the
musicians approach to making music and bought a new perspective to creating the
album, his productions bring a universal and contemporary sound to the album. 

1 01. Susana Baca - La herida oscura (03:19)
1 02. Susana Baca - Negra del alma (03:37)
1 03. Susana Baca - Color de rosa (03:34)
1 04. Susana Baca - Milonga de mis amores (02:38)
1 05. Susana Baca - Cariño (04:09)
1 06. Susana Baca - Cambalache (03:42)
1 07. Susana Baca - Sorongo (03:42)
1 08. Susana Baca - Juana Azurduy (02:52)
1 09. Susana Baca - Dämmerung (01:53)
1 10. Susana Baca - Vestida de vida (04:40)

Susana Baca
