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Hundreds - The Current '2020

The Current
ArtistHundreds Related artists
Album name The Current
Date 2020
GenreIndie Pop
Play time 47:03 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 526 MB
PriceDownload $4.95
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Since 2010, when Eva and Philipp Milner released their eponymous debut as
Hundreds, the siblings have built a career around a sound that offers ghostly
reminders of the past while en- riching the present with its bounty. On The
Current, Hundreds’ forth album, they are testing new approaches and
embracing fresh techniques. Original, imaginative and enchanting, Hundreds
sometimes plunder the past but always look to the future. They may be thick as
thieves – “We can talk without words,” Eva says of her
relationship with her brother – but the only things they steal are the
show. And, of course, your heart.

01. Hundreds - Vessel in the Sky (3:53)
02. Hundreds - Calling (4:41)
03. Hundreds - In the Air (3:36)
04. Hundreds - Body of Water (3:11)
05. Hundreds - The Current (3:55)
06. Hundreds - Ready Shaking Silent (3:14)
07. Hundreds - Untold (4:09)
08. Hundreds - Consequence (5:36)
09. Hundreds - The Bombs (4:43)
10. Hundreds - Youre the Storm (5:26)
11. Hundreds - Riptide (Instrumental) (4:39)

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