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Marilyn Monroe - Legends '1976

ArtistMarilyn Monroe Related artists
Album name Legends
Date 1976
Play time 57:52
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 133 / 298 Mb / 1.10 Gb
PriceDownload $9.95
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Tracks list


1. Marilyn at 1954 recording session of A Fine Romance (2:20)
2. Marilyn at 1954 recording session of Like a Woman Should (2:44)
3. Marilyn at 1954 recording session of Youd Be Surprised (3:02)
4. Love Happy, 1949. Scene with private eye Groucho Marx. (0:16)
5. Royal Triton TV commercial for Union Oil Co., 1950. (Marilyns only
commercial.) (0:20)
6. Ladies of the Chorus, 1948. Song Anyone Can See I Love You. (1:21)
7. Ladies of the Chorus. Song Every Baby Needs a Da-Da-Daddy. (2:56)
8. Ladies of the Chorus, 1948. Song Anyone Can See I Love You. (1:28)
9. The River of No Return, 1954. Scene with Tommy Rettig and song Down in the
Meadow. (2:58)
10. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 1953. Song Little Girl From Little Rock with Jane
Russel (complete version with Main Title and End Title). (5:29)
11. The Jack Benny Show, Sept. 13, 1953. Marilyns TV debut. Song Bye Bye Baby.
12. Marilyn in Korea, 1954. Sing Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend. (0:57)
13. How To Marry a Millionaire, 1953. Main Title by Alfred Newman and scenes
with Betty Grable and Lauren Bacall. (4:02)
14. Niagara, 1952. Marilyn reacts to her interrupted Kiss. (2:02)
15. The Seven Year Itch, 1955. Scenes with Tom Ewell including Rachmaninoff and
Chopsticks. (5:11)
16. Theres No Business Like Show Business, 1954. Song A Man Chases a Girl with
Donald OConnor. (2:08)
17. Marilyn accepts 1952 Photoplay Award from Lauren Bacall for most promising
actress. (0:40)
18. Marilyn meets the press after returning to Hollywood for Bus Stop in 1956.
19. Bus Stop, 1956. Song That Old Black Magic. (3:08)
20. The Prince and the Showgirl, 1957. Scene with Laurence Olivier and song I
Found a Dream. (1:05)
21. Some Like It Hot, 1959. Scene with Tony Curtis and song  Some Like It Hot.
22. JFK birthday party in Madison Square Garden, 1962. Marilyn sings Happy
Birthday and special lyric to Thanks for the Memory. (2:05)
23. Somethings Gotta Give, 1962. Scenes from uncompleted film with Dean Martin,
Phil Silvers and Wally Cox. (3:33)