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How To Dress Well - I Am Toward You '2024

I Am Toward You
ArtistHow To Dress Well Related artists
Album name I Am Toward You
Date 2024
Play time 41 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 99; 252 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

In his 15+ years recording as How To Dress Well, LA-based musician Tom Krell has
played with the concept of what we hear and how we communicate in order to
create music that exists somewhere between celestial transcendence and an
outsider approach to what pop music can be. In Krell’s musical world, the
weight of a sample comes from his history with it, the meaning of a lyric
fragment is stretched and distorted, its core skirting universal interpretation
in favor of specificity.

I Am Toward You is the first new How To Dress Well album in six years, with some
of his noisiest, most free, and most poetic music to date. Krell opens the
second decade of his career with an album that delivers on the hallmarks of his
best work. When creating the album, Krell was in search of not a fresh start,
exactly, but instead a return to the open-hearted, uncynical approach to music
making that he adopted as a kid, and carried through the release of his haunting
breakthrough debut, 2010’s Love Remains, when he was making music in
relative anonymity with little external pressure.

Krell alongside returning and new collaborators CFCF, Chris Votek, Joel Ford,
Josh Clancy, Trayer Tryon (Hundred Waters), Brian Allen Simon (Anenon), and
Aaron Charles Read began work on what would become I Am Toward You in 2020. He
sifted through hundreds of snippets he’d recorded in the preceding
decade, finding inexplicable samples and snatches of audio that began to cohere
into an album that stripped back the density of previous albums to create a
collection of songs that oscillate between the present and the past as if
it’s happening all at once. A memory from 20 years ago holds just as much
weight as something that happened yesterday. Each song, too, is linked to the
larger world: these tracks are in constant dialogue with not just each other,
but the environments in which they were made. It feels like a diaristic approach
to how we can find new perspectives on our own lives, as informed by the way
Krell transformed himself in the nearly six years between the release of The
Anteroom and the release of I Am Toward You.

1.01 - How To Dress Well - New Confusion (3:45) 
1.02 - How To Dress Well - Contingency/Necessity (Modality of Fate) (3:55) 
1.03 - How To Dress Well - Crypt Sustain (3:41) 
1.04 - How To Dress Well - No Light (4:16) 
1.05 - How To Dress Well - nothingprayer (3:51) 
1.06 - How To Dress Well - On It and Around It (4:44) 
1.07 - How To Dress Well - Song in the Middle (2:51) 
1.08 - How To Dress Well - Gas Station Against Blackened Hillside (3:32) 
1.09 - How To Dress Well - A Faint Glow Through a Window of Thin Bone (That's
How My Fate is Shown) (4:51) 
1.10 - How To Dress Well - The Only True Joy on Earth (1:44) 
1.11 - How To Dress Well - A Secret Within the Voice (4:00)

How To Dress Well
